Fine tune for joy,
Yes. Aerial Yoga is easy and joyful, but not naturally so for everyone & always.
Overcoming the trickier part usually involes effort first, and technique later.
To get there easier and earlier we take the time to try & play with transitions and asana (plural of asan:))
These little details and themes are interconnected and dependent. To understand one will support and enable the others :
- Connect with clarity. Feel more secure in the hammock.
- Moving effectively. Less effort, less strength.
- Use the pause offered within & release into them.
- Breathe into the pose. Enhancing the effect.
Clearly these are a continuation of 'Make it Easy on Yourself' - below :)
The workshop starts with the basics that are taught in pretty much every drop in aerial class, but then can take the extra step & time to look at your individual interpretation & execution.
We will explore the details together, find those oversights & bumps, and work on techniques that may not come natural to you.
A certain familiarity helps to use our time well. It is hightly recommended to have attended at least 3 Aerial Drop in Yoga Ylasses with Lucas. We can go though the sun salutations and transitions that you already have experienced, and fine tune the details.
Date & Time : To be advised. Sometime in Autumn 2023, as time permits. Reading this, feel free to remind lucas to set a date !
Location : Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
Price : The equivalent of two classes. One for owners of an Unlimited.
Past Workshops :
Make it Easy on Yourself
Aerial Yoga, with its background of Aerial Arts is not necessarily an easy practice, but it CAN become one.
The tendency to use more effort, with the possibility of falling and generally not being in (on) our usual element, can hinder our practice of releasing into aerial asana, which gets in the way of enjoying the benefits only Aerial Yoga can offer.
The goal is to use less force, less effort, have no need to hang on tight and also no need to ever hold our breath.
The goal is to practice with a deep inner smile as we enjoy every moment in the balance of action and release.
The effects of yoga are largely coming from the interaction of our mind and body. To practice with ease and enjoyment allows those effects to reach deeper. They become more than an unintentional side effect, but can be conciously supported through every mo(ve)ment of the practice.
Lucas has had plenty of experience of different yoga styles to find his interpretation of the interaction between body, mind & spirit within our asana practice. His goal is to ‘do more with less’, to remain receptive for the enjoyment, and within it, the effect of yoga. To ‘Open Up’ is more than just a saying.
The search for this theme within Aerial Yoga began with Unnata Yoga® in 2013
and continues on and on …
(As this is the second Sanjana Aerial Yoga Workshop at Yogasadhana, he promises to this time build the practice from the easy end towards the still effortlessly more challenging options, instead of the other way around J.
We will spend more time on the simplicity of natural movement, and less on techniques, but let the latter derive from the former as far as we wish. )
Dates : 1- 4 November 2018.
exact Times and other details see Yogasadhana Event (links coming)
Vinyasa in Aerial Yoga - Workshop
.. at Centro Yogasadhana, Ciudad Real, Spain 2017
The 2-3 day Sanjana Aerial Vinyasa Yoga Workshop gives an introduction into the concept ond practice of Aerial Vinyasa Yoga.
Vi nyasa from ‘Vi’ = To place (to set, move) & ‘Nyasa’ = ‘in a specific way’, has multiple parallel meanings :
- We move with awareness and knowledge of our basic anatomical structure,
- we use our breath to move and our moves to breathe,
- we sequence specifically to prepare our body, to learn how to integrate basic movement ideas into complex ones, and thereby make ‘advanced’ asanas simpler and easier.
- we sequence to guide our awareness from asana to asana, allowing for clearer detail and enjoyment of the basic asanas and allowing to keep these details as part of more complex asanas
This journey from the gross to the subtle is a recurring theme inside itself. It can be seen from the basic layout of a class, to the smaller sequences within, to the intricate details of movement between poses, to the clear awareness of breath within every pose and re-pose.
The hammock is the perfect tool to bring more insight into these aspects of vinyasa. It presents us with a joyful contrast to floor yoga, and thereby enhances and completes our practice of Yogaasana.
In this Workshop
- we will explore simple to more advanced Aerial Asana & connect them into flowing sequences, reflecting the above mentioned aspects of Vinyasa.
- discuss some physiological aspects that are aerial yoga specific, which help to find balance within an aerial yoga class.
The Sun Salutations, and some Cycles & Sequences, that are part of a Aerial Vinyasa Teacher Training, are presented in the Workshop.
The workshop is a further training for any Aerial Yoga Teachers, but not a complete training in itself.
Participants can be issued a certificate of attendance of Sanjana Aerial Vinyasa Yoga.
It can also be attended by Aerial Yoga students, who wish to have fun and deepen their practice.