HH Parivrtta AMSWhat makes a Sun Salutation ?

Sun Salutations are sequences of moves and poses which are repeated a few times somewhere in the beginning of a class.

SS include patterns that are fundamental and clarify our alignment in space.
They always move and balance the body and bring us back to center. This is why they pretty much always include Standing, a forward bend, AdhoMukha Svanasana & some type of backbend.
AdhoMukha Svanasana and Standing (in Tadasana) supply much of the centering part, whereas the forward and back bends bring in the movement and still remain in balance within their opposition.

They are in principle rather simple, easy to learn and repeat, but not necessarily easy to perfect. On the contrary. The sequence is easy to learn and remember, but the details and elements they contain have to be worked on for a lifetime.
The SS have a habit of making us aware of where we still need to put in some effort, where we still are out of balance.

Sun salutations also are the first sequences that identify the entanglement between breath and movement, which then can manifest itself throughout the whole practice. The conscious choice and clarity of connecting breath with movement creates a focus, which defines a yogapractice of awareness and integration.

So far, we have 3 Aerial Yoga Sun Salutations which satisfy the above conditions. They come in initial (beginner) and more experienced variations.
They lead into different cycles & sequences of asana and are also used for transitions.
One you learned them in a Workshop or training you can refresh your memory and watch the Aerial Sun Salutation Videos :
- TicToc with Jule (Aerial Vinyasa Teacher Innsbruck)
- All three with Lucas.